With Community Interest Company (CIC) status being finalised at the end of February, there was much to do in March and April. This, along with a great deal of preparation for our 2023 installations and the £1m Celebration Dinner in May 2024, has led to a very busy couple of months, though there has not been not been much ‘visible progress’ to report on.
We have been working hard with our accountants to complete the transition to CIC status and I am hugely grateful to Michael Michaelides and his team at AGK Accountants. We have also been working hard with Sarah and Teresa at Gasoline Media to maintain the profile and momentum that they have helped create over the past 6 months.
Our attendance at the CEDIA Tech Summit in London on April 18th was extremely encouraging. Firstly, thanks again to Matt Nimmons and the CEDIA team for allowing us to have a tabletop presence at the event. CEDIA’s support is much appreciated and really does help spread the word of Together For Cinema. Secondly, a big thank you to all that engaged with me during the day. I’m pleased there seems to be widespread awareness of Together For Cinema and a genuine interest in what we do, how we do it and the difference that we make.
The London CEDIA Tech Summit was, in my opinion, the best that CEDIA have put on and I was encouraged to see so many people and sponsors in attendance. Well done to the CEDIA EMEA team and I look forward to going up to Leeds Summit on May 24th.
I was also delighted to attend an ‘invitation only’ industry lunch at Tuttons in Covent Garden to tell the 30 or so guests a little more about Together For Cinema. I thank Gordon Dutch for the invitation and am delighted to report that as a result of this we secured some funding from the lunch and also a new Gold Level sponsor.
Lots of productive meetings, a family holiday, and more Zoom calls than I care to mention and whoosh…, we’re in May! Much to do and another exciting couple of months ahead. Keep well all…
Ian Morrish
Founder, Together For Cinema
Our 7 installations for 2023 are starting to take shape and all are progressing well. The current status is as follows:-
We are hugely grateful to the installers listed above for kindly taking on these installations and I am sure that their journey to making a difference is rewarding one.
As we begin 2023, 2024 seems a long way away, however, with the network of children’s hospice and others deserving venues that we have, I can confidently say that we will have another busy year. I would expect another 6 or 7 cinema room installations and I think we are already in touch with most of these.
Please see below for a current status update:-
As you’ll no doubt appreciate it’s impossible for us to know of all the deserving venues in the UK that could use our help.
With this in mind, if you know of anywhere that could benefit from our offering, please do let me know.
As of now Together For Cinema has 68 companies putting forward charitable grants. These grants vary in amount but every one is much appreciated and are vital to aide the day to day running, and of course the long-term security, of Together For Cinema, and the difference that we’re able to make.
We have very nearly generated all the revenue we need to satisfy our forecasted budget plan for this year, but with some increased costs and greater aspirations to deliver, we still need a few more sponsors to commit. However, we now need to focus 100% on our good cause delivery, and also the Million Pound Celebration Dinner plans so please, if you know any company who might be interested, please as them to contact me.
It would really help if we were able to secure two more sponsors at each of the Bronze (£500), Silver (£1,000) and Gold (£2,500) levels.
With this in mind, can you help? …or do you know of any of your trading partners that might be able to help? Can you possibly consider becoming a first-time sponsor of Together For Cinema?
Further detail can be found on our website or alternatively please contact Ian Morrish at ian@ad-con.uk to discuss what options are open to you and what difference you can help make.
Together For Cinema, and the difference we make to so many lives, can only continue with your support…
To help raise funds for Together For Cinema I’m delighted to announce that there are two cycling challenges being undertaken this Summer. One of which is being undertaken by an experienced cycling duo, and the other is being undertaken by two keen amateur cyclists, one of which being myself!
The two challenges are as follows:-
All fundraising activity is much needed and hugely appreciated. The funding is important but the increased exposure is also really important in progessing the awareness of Together For Cinema. We are so grateful to all those that have, are or will fundraise for us, be it running marathons or shaving your legs – thank you!
Listed below are a few other updates that might be of interest:-
Our 38th good cause cinema room is now installed! Thanks to James Applin from Nethaus, and a host of manufacturers, Cherry Trees in East Clandon, near Guildford, can now put on film nights galore! Please go to https://www.togetherforcinema.co.uk/installations/cherry-trees/ to read more…
Very soon our 39th installation will begin at the Resources For Autism centre in North London, and Jayesh Raghvani and his installation team will make this happen. It’s always exciting when our installs start to ‘materialise’, and I can update the figures with another install and another value to our good cause delivery. This year more than any started with more admin that normal so it’s great to be back on track.
Recent meetings with Shooting Star Chase in Hampton and also Ronald McDonald Houses have given us some more potential for 2024 and beyond and this is very exciting, and further confirms the need, and the benefits, of the Together For Cinema offering. The Ronald McDonald Houses are located as close as possible to specialist children’s hospitals across the UK. This means that families can be by their child’s bedside in a matter of moments, whilst maintaining a degree of normal life and reducing emotional and financial strain.
To all those that partner Together For Cinema we thank you for helping us get to this point in our development. To anyone thinking about getting involved please don’t keep thinking about it, as somebody else once said …, ‘just do it’, I have no doubt you’ll be pleased you did…
I wish you well and hope that our industry continues to thrive.
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