Four months into Together For Cinema’s new more committed approach and there have been lots of positive steps into making the enterprise more established, more robust and more effective.
The resounding message that I keep getting is one of support and encouragement to keep on doing what we’re doing and to further the good work.
There is an understanding that ‘Rome cannot be built in a day’ and I am grateful for everyone’s patience. However, I am keen to move things forward as swiftly as possible. Ultimately the proof is in our industry making a difference to our community and this is definitely on the right track.
Attending the ISE event in London was an interesting day out and good to see so many industry friends and supporters of what we do. It’s clear to me that face to face engagement is essential for us all and I look forward to the CEDIA Tech Summit on September 8th and also to exhibiting at Ei Live! on September 29th and 30th. It’ll be fun being an exhibitor for a change!
Keep well, and I thank you again for your trust and support.
Ian Morrish
Founder, Together For Cinema
We currently have four cinema room installations that we are working on for 2021. They are all at differing stages and are outlined below:-
Forget Me Not Children’s Hospice, Huddersfield, Yorkshire
Installer: Bespoke Home Cinemas
Current Situation: Installation complete* – and it looks amazing…
Completion Date: Completed
Rose Road Association, Southampton, Hampshire
Installer: Wessex AV
Current Situation: Installation started, product gathering and DVD collection in process.
Completion Date: Scheduled for July/August 2021
Claire House Children’s Hospice, Bebington on The Wirral or the new Liverpool site
Installer: Glo Audio Visual
Current Situation: Site visits complete and room designs awaiting approval from venue
Completion Date: Scheduled September 2021
Reubens Retreat, Glossop, Derbyshire
Installer: Have had an initial meeting with preferred installer and awaiting their confirmation
Current Situation: Site visit complete and once installer confirmed we will look at room designs etc…
Completion Date: Scheduled October/November 2021
Support for Together For Cinema is hugely encouraging from all corners of the AV industry. More specifically:-
Product Support
Little change here from our last update with a general willingness to support from AV product manufacturers and distributors. Lots of discussions and meetings continuing.
There is work to be done to secure the next level of products such as seating, acoustic walling, ceiling lights etc…
Thank you to all distributors that have helped with introductions to their brands. This has helped with securing both product and sponsorship support.
Installer Support
Looking to engage with more installers at the CEDIA Tech Summit and Ei Live! in September. Hard to progress this too specifically as we are dependent on where the venue is as to who we need ask to install.
With regards to installers asking their customers for an optional 1 or 2% good cause donation to help fund Together For Cinema, this has been put on hold for the moment as there was mixed feedback. This will now be left with the installer if they choose to appeal.
Media Support
Continued great support from Essential Install who are our first official Media Partner.
Other media are being asked to commit to the cause and hopefully we will have other official Media Partners soon. We’re hoping to confirm agreements with Hidden Wires and CE Pro very soon.
We’re in contact with many other media and I’m sure there will be more good news to follow.
As Of June 30th…
The initial appeal has been successful, but impetus has slowed over the last few weeks as there is so much to do otherwise. However, with a target of 30 sponsors for this year I’m delighted to report that we now have 25 confirmed sponsors, 11 manufacturers, 6 distributors, 7 installers (one of which is a key integrator from the commercial AV market) and 1 very kind industry personality.
Revenue Update
With 24 confirmed sponsors we have been able to secure just over 80% of the revenue required to secure Together For Cinema for 2021.
I’m optimistic that I will be able to secure the balance of the revenue very soon and look forward to welcoming more sponsors of Together For Cinema.
Sponsor Exposure
Sponsor packs have been sent to all sponsors, and I’m delighted to say they have all been well received. Amongst other things these packs include an acrylic plaque and some pin badges (see image to right).
Very soon we will be able to populate the website with our sponsor’s logos.
In such a short time a lot has happened. Let me try to surmise beyond what has already been mentioned:-
Partner Recognition
After consultation with the Together For Cinema Steering Committee it was agreed to recognise our working partners with a partner pack similar to the sponsors pack as outlined on the previous slide. This includes our 7 Operational Partners, any current or previous Installation Partners and our Media Partners.
This is still in the process of being updated. There is still much to do and I’m hopeful that we will very soon be adding more sponsor and partner logos to the relevant areas on the site.
Product Donations
With so many products being donated by so many different companies and with so many people potentially getting involved it was agreed not to create a Product Donor Pack. I will of course ensure as many people as possible receive at least a pin badge or two!
Cisco and Together For Short Lives – Possible Collaboration
Watch this space…! On June 10th Together For Cinema, Together For Short Lives and Cisco had an excellent meeting in Bristol. Results expected in the coming months!
With only 4 months of engaging with the industry regarding our new structure a great deal has happened. We:-
•Have almost achieved the funding required to run Together For Cinema for the rest of the year.
•Have the 4 scheduled cinema room installations up and running, with one now completed.
•Already have two cinema room installations in the planning for 2022.
•Are continually developing and growing the Together For Cinema community.
•Have secured a great deal of varied media exposure, and have had a lot of interest in what we do.
•Have been interviewed many times regarding what we do and have had some Podcast activity.
•Have created (with the backing of AWE Europe) a Together For Cinema video update. You can download this at:-
•We intend to create a video/photo diary of every installation that we complete, budget permitting of course!
Thank you again for your support and remember…
“Together For Cinema – together for better”
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