Together For Cinema’s new structure began in March 2021 following 12 years of being managed part-time alongside my full-time role as ISE International Sales Manager.
A great deal has been achieved in the last 6-8 weeks and hence this Bi-Monthly Update may be a little more detailed than future ones.
Needless to say I am probably recognised as the driving force behind Together For Cinema but I am more than aware that without the help of yourself, and many others in our industry, Together For Cinema simply would not exist. I therefore thank you again for all that you do to help make it happen.
The industry’s reception to Together For Cinema’s more robust and committed approach has been overwhelming and I will do all I can to deliver on my aspiration, and your expectation. I think I have some busy months ahead of me…
Keep well, and I thank you again for your trust and support.
Ian Morrish
Founder, Together For Cinema
We currently have four cinema room installations that we are working on for 2021. They are all at differing stages and are outlined below:-
Forget Me Not Children’s Hospice, Huddersfield, Yorkshire
Installer: Bespoke Home Cinemas
Current Situation: Design approved, all equipment secured and the installation will start in June.
Completion Date: Scheduled for end of June 2021
Rose Road Association, Southampton, Hampshire
Installer: Wessex AV
Current Situation: Design drawn up, majority of equipment secured*, installation about to commence once designs approved by the venue
Completion Date: Scheduled for July 2021
Claire House Children’s Hospice, Bebington, The Wirral
Installer: Glo Audio Visual
Current Situation: Initial visit planned for next few weeks, most product already in place
Completion Date: Scheduled September 2021
Reubens Retreat, Glossop, Derbyshire
Installer: To be confirmed*
Current Situation: Initial visit planned for next few weeks, most product already in place
Completion Date: Scheduled October 2021
Support for Together For Cinema is hugely encouraging from all corners of the AV industry. More specifically:-
Product Support
This is forthcoming from both manufacturers and distributors with new commitments and agreements being made almost every week.
I am optimistic that soon we will have commitments on all products required to ensure the successful delivery of the planned cinema rooms, this being 4 in 2021 and then 5 per year from 2022 to 2026.
Distributors are keen to support and have helped secure specific items. They are also helping with introductions to their brands and this is expediting meetings and helping secure both product and sponsorship support.
Installer Support
There is a real willingness to get involved from all the installers that I have spoken to so far.
There appears to be a desire from many to ask their customers for an optional 1 or 2% good cause donation and I am considering looking at creating a small A5 brochure that they can hand to their customers. This has been circulated to a select group for their feedback.
Media Support
All media are being hugely supportive and we are currently in regular touch with Essential Install, AV Magazine, Hidden Wires, Home Cinema Choice, CE Pro and of course CEDIA Communicates. We are meeting with Inside CI very soon and more meetings are being sought with the likes of Installation and InAVate.
Thanks must go to all…, but I’d like to specifically thank Essential Install. They have kindly given us a monthly exposure package that includes editorial, advertising, sponsor exposure and also a stand at EI Live!
As Of April 30th…
The first appeals for Together For Cinema sponsorship were communicated to a specific group of companies in our industry at the beginning of April. These were companies who had had some form of engagement with us in the past.
With a target of 30 sponsors for this year I’m delighted to report that we already have 12 confirmed sponsors, 4 manufacturers, 2 distributors and 6 installers (one of which is a key integrator from the commercial AV market).
Revenue Update
With 12 confirmed sponsors we have been able to secure approximately 40% of the revenue required to secure Together For Cinema for 2021.
Based on my recent meetings, and continued industry engagement, I believe there are another 12 or so companies that I will be able to confirm with in the next few weeks, hence I would estimate that we will have at least 25 sponsors, and the majority of the funding in place, by the end of May. This will enable me to fully focus on furthering the good work delivery to our community.
Sponsor Exposure
Sponsor packs have been sent to all sponsors, and I’m delighted to say thay have all been well received. Very soon we will be able to populate the website with our sponsor’s logos.
In such a short time a lot has happened. Let me try to surmise beyond what has already been mentioned:-
Currently this is being updated and restructured to accommodate future requirements. I’m hopeful that this will be ready to populate with the next two to three weeks. Please bear with us and I assure you I will be in touch as soon as we’re ready to populate the website with your logo, and any other relevant information.
The Commercial AV Market
I’m delighted to report that we have secured a well-known commercial company as one of our Gold Level sponsors. We are discussing a new channel of good cause delivery that will aide the commercial AV market to work with Together For Cinema ultimately giving more back to the community.
Marketing and Role Definition
With so much support for Together For Cinema we are looking at the best way to further define how supporting companies can promote their assistance. Currently our thoughts are as follows:-
It is of course likely that a company might fall into more that one of the above categories.
With only 5-6 weeks of engaging with the industry regarding our new structure a great deal has happened to convince me that committing to Together For Cinema is absolutely the right thing to do. We have big aspirations and I believe the industry has equally big expectations.
With the help of the industry working together, Together For Cinema will deliver.
Your Feedback…
As part of the Together For Cinema community, please feel free to help shape our progress going forward. We have a Steering Committee and Operational Partners but we welcome constructive and expert guidance. Please feel free to contact me at any time.
For example, are you happy with the way this bi-monthly update has been presented? I’d be happy to tailor it to what the majority want to see…
Urgent Appeal – Can You Help?
Thank you in advance for your thoughts…
“Together For Cinema – together for better”
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